Sunday, March 14, 2010

Days 71, 72, 73

Day 71.
March 12, 2010. Walked by this wall on my lunch break and it made me want to go to the coast real bad.
2010-03-12 002

Day 72.
March 13, 2010. Driving back from St. Johns we stopped to take some pictures of this awesome giant water tower.
2010-03-13 014

Day 73.
March 14, 2010. Crazy swirly lights on a relaxing lazy Sunday.
2010-03-14 021

Is anyone out there looking at my blog??? Say hello sometime!

P.S. You can see all my leftover photos from the photo a day project over here.
Also, check out my (and Vanessa's) new craft blog, Mostly Stitches and don't forget about our rarely updated but awesome food blog, Mostly Soup.


Anonymous said...


Stephanie said...

I totally look at it

Michelle Suzanne said...

yay :) hi!

Anonymous said...

I do tooooo! I want to see the west coast really bad and I AM!